A Master of Djinn By Djèli Clark Published Year: 2021 Page Count: 405 pages Medium Used: Kindle PW Genre : Fantasy,Science Fiction,Magic, Sorcery, Multiverse, Alternate history, Djinns, Ifrits, Mystery,Murder, Detective, Homicide, 2025-read, Lesbian. Rating : 5/5 💝💝 As the genre section of this review shows, there are a lot of elements in this plot. But it is very well put together and detailed in description that made the book a gripping narrative. Most of the characters in the plot are either human, djinn, ifrit or half djinns. I have gained a lot of information and knowledge on djinns and the various ways of dealing with them. I found all the characters, even the most sinister and ambitious ones, to be highly endearing. I didn't want even the djinn to suffer and self mutilate even if it is only temporary! Egypt, in this alternate universe, is a well developed, superpower country with Cairo overflowing with sky scrapers,mansions, lodging Europeans...