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Showing posts from February, 2025

Book Review: A Master of Djinn by Djèli Clark

 A Master of Djinn  By Djèli Clark  Published Year: 2021 Page Count: 405 pages  Medium Used: Kindle PW  Genre : Fantasy,Science Fiction,Magic, Sorcery, Multiverse, Alternate history, Djinns, Ifrits, Mystery,Murder, Detective, Homicide, 2025-read, Lesbian.  Rating : 5/5 💝💝 As the genre section of this review shows, there are a lot of elements in this plot. But it is very well put together and detailed in description that made the book a gripping narrative. Most of the characters in the plot are either human, djinn, ifrit or half djinns. I have gained a lot of information and knowledge on djinns and the various ways of dealing with them. I found all the characters, even the most sinister and ambitious ones, to be highly endearing. I didn't want even the djinn to suffer and self mutilate even if it is only temporary! Egypt, in this alternate universe, is a well developed, superpower country with Cairo overflowing with sky scrapers,mansions, lodging Europeans...

Book Review: The Guns of Avalon by Roger Zelazny

 The Guns of Avalon  By Roger Zelazny  [The Chronicles of Amber #2] Published Year: 1972 Page Count: 182 pages  Medium Used: Paperback  Genre : Adventure, Fantasy, Sorcery, Multiverse, Shadows, weird creatures, 2025-read.  Rating : 4.5/5 💝💫 I forgot  time and surroundings while reading this book. It is very captivating and the conversations between people are very enjoyable. I would have given it a 5 pointer but somehow, at some places, I didn't fully follow the landscape descriptions. Mr.Zelazny has very masterfully and skillfully included weird looking and behaving creatures into the narrative. Some writers spoil the fun and make it too noxious to read. Not this one!  There is plenty of suspense and intrigue. Brothers of royalty fighting among themselves for the throne, have to also, face evils that are coming into their world from somewhere out of the shadows (multiple universes). The main character ,Corwyn, acknowledges that he has placed a ...

Book Review : Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny

 Nine Princes in Amber  (The Chronicles of Amber #1) By Roger Zelazny  Published Year: 1970 Page Count: 151 pages  Medium Used: Paperback [Fantasy Masterworks Edition] Genre : Classics, High Fantasy, Multiverse, Multiple Universes, Adventure, Magic, Sorcery, 2025-read.  Rating : 5/5 💝 Loved this book very much. Its like reading a story like Game of Thrones in first person narrative of one of the nine brothers alive, fighting for the throne of Amber. There is one real world, which contains Amber, and infinite number of shadow worlds or alternative realities along with it. The family of the Amber rulers, with Oberon as the father to the nine alive princes and four alive princesses, can navigate or walk through these shadows until they reach a version of reality they are seeking. In a way, they are creating this reality as they go along.  Corwyn, the narrator, wakes up in a hospital, with his memories compromised and only partially remembering his past. He le...

Book Review: Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan

Small Things Like These  By Claire Keegan  Nominated, short listed for Man Booker 2022.  Published Year: 2021 Page Count: 67 pages   Medium Used: Kindle PW  Genre : Ireland, Contemporary Fiction, Historical fiction, Catholic Church, Convents,2025-read.  Rating : 4/5  This is a small book but has shed light on some very prominent yet overlooked issue of the 20th century Ireland. How young, unmarried, mostly teenage mothers and their bastard, unacknowledged children are treated by the mother-baby homes which are under the control of catholic church and Ireland state. They are clearly inhumane and a bit brutal. I don't know and can't imagine  such cases existing in today's day and age as well.  Furlong is a devoted and hard working family man with a doting wife and five daughters. He works hard, day to night, to put food on the table and lead a debt free life. He accidentally finds out that a convent in his neighborhood run by nuns is actua...

Book Review : The Magic Flute by K.M.Munshi

 The Magic Flute  (Krishnavatara book #1) By K.M.Munshi  Published Year: 1966 Page Count: 328 pages  Medium Used: Kindle PW  Genre : Hinduism, Lord Krishna, Radha, Spirituality, Mythology, 2025-read.  Rating : 3/5  This book is much altered from what the Mythological stories tell about the childhood and birth of lord Sree Krishna. He has mentioned the numerous demons that Krishna as a child slaughters and defeats but shows them as if their deaths are  coincidental accidents on his part rather than manifestations of his inherent godliness. I take offense to these kind of overtures. But I find that in most of these fictional works which depend on Mythology, only few really do justice to the miraculous events in the tales. I liked the book on Krishna by Shivaji Sawant which while portraying him as a human also shed light on his divine angle.  I should give this book an overall 2 point rating but I felt Krishna's character play with Radha,his lov...

Book Review : Gita Govinda by Jayadev Goswami

 Gita Govinda  By Sri Jayadeva Goswami  Published Year : 12th century AD  Page Count : 230 pages  Medium Used : Kindle PW  Genre : Spirituality, Divine Love, Lord Sri Krishna, Radha Krishna, sexuality. Rating : 5/5  This book transported me into another world. A world filled with joy and brimming with unbridled happiness. A world that is devoid of stress and tension. Where God of Creation himself, in the form of Sri Krishna, dances and enjoys dalliances with a bunch of Vrindavan milk maids, prime among them being Radha.  Prior to this book,which came out in 12th century, Radha was pretty unknown because she wasn't mentioned in Bhagavata purana or Bhagavad Gita. This book not only introduced her to the public imagination but set fire to the bhakti movement in an unprecedented way that people started believing more in Radha's form of bhakti/love/devotion than any other kind. Every other God had a consort for worship alongside them except Krishna des...