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Showing posts from September, 2024

Book Review : The Last Mrs.Parrish by Liv Constantine

 The Last Mrs.Parrish  by Liv Constantine  ( Mrs.Parrish #1 ) National Best Seller Reese Witherspoon Book Club Pick.  Published Year : 2017  Page Count: 395 pages  Medium Used: Kindle PW  Genre: Suspense, Drama, Young Adult, 2024-read.  Rating : 4/5 👍👍👍👍 Some part of the story is narrated by a third person. Some of it is first person narrative of the last Mrs. Parrish, Daphne. It puts the reader on the edge. The writing is gripping and also the mind/thought process of Amber is so villainous and cut throat like that it made me not feel sympathy for her predicament towards the end. This book is well written, well thought through. It hit me how similar this story is to The Housemaid by Freida McFadden but checking up on the dates of publishing cleared ny suspicions a bit. While this book came out first in 2017, the Housemaid was out in 2022, so there was no way the authors might have snatched a bit of storyline from the other book!  A very powerful and super rich couple, the Parrish

Book Review : The River of No Return By Bee Ridgway

 The River of No Return  (River of No Return #1)  By Bee Ridgway  Published Year: 2013 Page Count: 497 pages  Medium Used: Kindle PW  Genre : Adventure, Historical Fiction, Time Travel, Magic, Speculative Fiction, Science Fiction, 2024-read.  Rating : 3.5/5 👍👍👍👍 I think the writing is superior and better than many other books I have given a rating of 4 but there are some things that still aren't clear for me. I mean, it involves time travel and the characters say they rely on emotions to jump but how do they do it? I mean, what is this jumping using emotions? And there are two factions fighting through the history/river of time - the Guild and the Ofan. There is lot of confusion,for me, as to what each group wants and represents. There is no line between what they each want to do with time or the river? One group wants to preserve the history and so as the other group - barring a mild experimentation? What kind of experimentation? Do we get more clarity in the next book of the

Book Review : The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett, Stephen Baxter

 The Long Earth  (The Long Earth #1) By Terry Pratchett, Stephen Baxter  Published Year : 2012  Page Count: 421 pages   Medium Used: Paperback  Genre : Science Fiction, Fantasy, Sociology, Multiverse, 2024-read.  Rating : 5/5 👍👍👍👍👍 Disclaimer: Some Spoilers ahead!!  Parallel worlds .. uninhabited, endless Earths that are for the taking by any asker .. more Earths than there are people on Datum Earth .. a heavenly Paradise!!  I thoroughly enjoyed this amazing product from the minds of two brilliant authors - Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter. I just wrapped it up and am yearning for more of Long Earth. Luckily, I have the next book from the series sitting on my table, right next to me.  The Long Earth is a term used to refer to all the numerous parallel world Earths that could be reached by stepping either to the left or right. Some people are gifted with natural stepping ability while others need a special mechanical device. There are a few who cannot step despite everything. Jos

Book Review : The Tombs of Atuan by Ursula LeGuin

 The Tombs of Atuan  (The Earthsea Cycle #2) By Ursula K. Leguin  Published Year: 1970 Page Count: 141 pages  Medium Used: Kindle PW  Genre : High Fantasy, Gods, Sorcerers, Magic, Old Powers, Adventure, 2024-read.  Rating : 4.5/5  Her words are magic. Her writing is splendid. It is very evocative and creative of the world she wants us to be transported into. She has a lucid imagination and a skill of writing to convey it. I absolutely loved Tenar, the girl heroine of the book who is both vulnerable, naive, trusting and commanding at the same time. She is the light that has been kept ensnared in darkness until her rescuer comes. And Ged - I absolutely respect him. He is a man of conscience and convictions and principles. Most of all, he is a man of his word. He has shown immense respect and delicacy to a girl in a time when it is a rare occurrence. He has love for the wild life and small, hapless creatures.  I liked the story very much. My only vacuous feeling is it didn't last long

Book Review : Authority by Jeff Vandermeer

 Authority  (Southern Reach #2) By Jeff Vandermeer  Published Year: 2014  Page Count: 281 pages  Medium Used: Kindle PW  Genre : Thriller, Psychological Fiction, Suspense, 2024-read.  Rating : 5/5 😀😀😀😀😀 I loved this even better than the first book, a masterpiece - Annihilation. The narrative has a dark, compelling and bleary ambience. It also has a visceral quality to it. I felt all the confusing and combobulating thoughts the main character underwent. Such a dark and delicate book this is!  The biologist who got possessed by whatever animal/organism there is in the Area  X of Hadley town is back among people. She is found in a zombie state, staring at an empty lot and is brought in for questioning. The director, John Rodriguez, is newly brought in by his mother's string pulling. As he questions the biologist and uncovers the last few months of the last director's life before she disappeared into the Area X , he starts slowly to sink into a state of obsession like all thos

Book Review : The Perfect Couple by Elin Hilderbrand

 The Perfect Couple  By Elin Hildebrand  (Nantucket #3) Published Year : 2018 Page Count: 347 pages  Medium Used: Kindle PW  Genre : Romance, Mystery, Suspense, Psychological Thriller, Drama, Crime, 2024-read.  Rating : 4/5  The ending is such an anticlimax and a let down for me - it almost feels like being cheated. I got so high and invested in the narrative..I lost sleep for most of last night and was reading all day since I got up this morning. The character development is ooof .. the characters are filled with life, credulity and fly off the page into the reader's mind space. I loved the layout of the narrative. I loved the writing.  I would have liked if the mother of the family was a bit on the negative side as well. I mean, really, having Nicole Kidman play the role and making it all cute, nice and kind, compassionate is like wasting enormous talent. I picked this book because I saw an ad that there is a limited series coming up on Netflix starring Nicole Kidman and other in