Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and his Years of Pilgrimage
By Haruki Murakami
Published Year: 2013
Page Count: 310 pages
Medium Used: Kindle PW
Genre : Contemporary Fiction, Coming of Age, Mental Trauma, Relationships, 2024-read.
Rating : 4.95/5 š š š š š«
Murakami brilliantly portrays how shocking and traumatic experiences can get carried over, for many years afterward, if they are not resolved. These have a devastating impact on the relationships and expectations of the person who suffered. The writing is simple and flowing. The pace of the novel is medium and hooks the reader right from the start. I have come to care for each of the characters in the story and not just the protagonist, Tsukuru Tazaki. He also shows what can happen once the person confronts his trauma, talks it out with the perpetrators and realizes that he is better off because of this. Loved the book. Highly recommend.
Tsukuru Tazaki is an introverted, well balanced student who dreams of building rail stations. He is part of a close knit group of five students - Ao, Aka, Shiro, Kuro and himself. One day, for whatever reason unknown to him, he gets cut off from the group. No explanations given and no reasons discussed. He suppresses his emotions and moves on with his life. Later on whenever he has to get close to someone, he thinks of the impermeance of the relationship. He fears getting close to any friends or lovers. After a very long time, he makes attempt to reconnect with his group and find out what exactly happened. So what did happen? Why was he cut off and why did it impact so much on his life ?
I thought no elaboration is offered by Murakami into whatever has happened with Haida, Tazaki's only college mate an friend. Where did he vanish to without offering any reason. And also if the story about the transmission of death from person to person by Midirokawa is true or just a fictional concoction. The end is open to speculation and I hope Tazaki finds happiness because he deserves it. He is a good person with a good heart. I have come to like the character a lot. I also wish the remaining members of the group come together again whenever possible.
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