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The Two Towers by J.R.R.Tolkein - Book Review

 The Two Towers by J.R.R.Tolkein 

(Lord Of The Rings series book #2)

Genres: Fantasy, Classics, Fiction, Hobbits, Wizards, Giants, 2021-read, reviewed, awesome read. 

Rating 5/5 😍🥳

Whew! "I loved it" would be an understatement for this great classical work by Tolkein!! I found this book smoother, swifter and even better - if that's even possible - than the first part. ✌ I wish hobbits are not a fictitious lot - but that they truly exist and I come across them in reality. Ahh, I know. It's wishful thinking. Hobbits - like rabbits - are harmless, simple minded, meek, short and stout people who are content to live in their holes underground surrounded by greenery, singing their tales of lore, feasting and merry making. Tolkein takes them into the mouths of danger and gives them shades of chivalry even perhaps they were not aware of. Bilbo baggins is something of a legend for adventure and bravery in the Shire but this book shows all the hobbits have something of a hidden courage which comes out with the right kind of trigger. 

In the first part, we see the formation of the fellowship comprising nine members - four hobbits( Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin), two men (Boromir, Aragorn), one elf(Legolas), one dwarf(Gimli) and one mighty wizard( Gandalf the grey) . They set out on the mission to destroy the Ring (the one most powerful ring made by the Dark Lord Souron) by casting it off into the mountain of fire in Mordor(home of Souron and also the place where it was forged). The responsibility of bearing the ring falls to Frodo the hobbit from Shire (the "ringbearer") who inherited it from his uncle Bilbo Baggins. Part 1 ends with Frodo and Sam giving an escape to the others and running off in a boat after Frodo is confronted by a greedy and selfish Boromir. The fellowship is broken up for good already - Gandalf had fallen into the abyss in Moira and the two hobbits make away with the ring on a lonely crusade. 

Part two starts off from here. We see Boromir dying from the wounds of fighting with Orcs sent by Saruman the White (a rogue wizard) and Merry, Pippin snatched away by the victorious Orcs. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli form a triad chasing the Orcs to rescue the hobbits and this takes them much far north into the territories of Isengard - a city with a single tower at its heart in which Saruman resides hatching and plotting his evil plans in league with Souron the dark Lord. En route they catch up with Gandalf the "White" (yes! A bit of a disclaimer.. He's come back from the clutches of death and changed into something much more potent than his former self.) , make friends with the kingdom of Thengil, fight off the armies of orcs and men before meeting the two hobbits Merry and Pippin. So the hobbits - they have their own valor and brave tales to tell in this part - have not been idly waiting for rescue to come by. They have been busy. They give an escape from the orcs, embolden and entice the age old Ents (tree people) into waging a war against the rogue Saruman. The Dark lord learns of the defeat of his minion Saruman in the hands of unknown enemies and all his energies/focus is directed(distracted) towards the North - in handling the situation. 

Meanwhile, Frodo and Samwise - they go about for days in circles without knowing the way to Mordor. But call it luck if you may - who should help them but the very agent of the Enemy? They are surreptitiously followed by the wicked, cunning and sneaky Gollum(Smeagol) whom they capture. Frodo gets an oath from him to help show the way to Mordor. Now - Gollum is one of the most foxiest and cunning characters ever created. He does nothing for the benefit of anybody but himself. He followed them like a maniac because he wanted to get back in possession of the ring - and now he has a direct chance to get it back. So he hatches a wicked plan in his head. He takes the hobbits to the black gates of Mordor - through hidden places like marshes of dead and such dark, hollow, creepy lands of shadows - but seeing it sealed with no entry, proposes to take them on a detour. Sam and Frodo suspect wicked designs in him but seeing no other path, follow him. Gollum sure enough leads them into a trap with no possible escape. This part ends with Sam and Frodo parting - Frodo taken hostage by Orcs of Mordor and Sam giving a chase in pursuit. 

Wow! Wow! Wow! I think I was just getting introduced to so many things in the first part - characters, places, style of writing, a little bit of history into the Ring - it was the "getting to know" phase. Reading this book is a breeze in comparison - everyone of the characters so familiar and yet with new additional layers of complexities and more windows into their natures/souls. While Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli are the four pillars holding up the fight/fort against the villain Souron - Frodo and Samwise have their own ordeals to face. I am pleasantly surprised that Sam Gamgee( my favorite 😍🥰) - the meek, supplicating, foolish gardener hobbit from Shire turns to blind courage and fights off monsters with just one purpose in mind - to save and protect his master. He gives his all to Frodo and their bond of selfless regard/care for each other is heart warming. Like I mentioned in my last review of Lotr part #1, I would give a lot to just have some one like Sam Gamgee around. ✌(✿ ♥‿♥) ❤


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