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Showing posts from September, 2023

The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy

 The Return of the Native  By Thomas Hardy (1878)  (396 pages Paperback edition)  Rating : 4/5 👍👍👍👍 Genres : Classics, Fiction. Just wrapped up reading. Closed the book shut and placed it safely away on my book rack. Sat back in my rocking chair and contemplated for a while what my review should be. Everyone knows this is a classic and hence timeless, ageless,applies to everyone, everywhere and at everytime. Edgon - the countryside where this story takes place is a beautiful village. I loved the landscape and the time during which this is written. I wouldn't mind giving up my modern day amenities and life style to move here! Truly!💖🥳 I have read other works of Thomas Hardy and immensely enjoyed them. This doesn't fall short to any. All his books have beautiful descriptions of the greenery and landscapes which take one's breath away. 🤗🤓 Fate is a ruthless master and every minute we are driven into the hands of destiny through the unseen actions of divine.🤘 Clym Yoeb

The Aftermath by Rhidian Brook

 The Aftermath  By Rhidian Brook (320 pages)  Rating 4.5/5 😄😄😄😄 Genre : Historical Fiction, Germany, WW2, Britain  Just finished reading this. The last few pages are unputdownable! 🤓🤗 Felt like I was taking a dip in the holy waters of pure love and wisdom which comes from bountiful reflection and maturity. 🤘All the characters portrayed in the story - even the young man who kills for vengeance - are noble hearted - even those driven by a misguided and solipsistic mania. 🙄 They have suffered loss and are harboring resentments. Some are embittered in constant grief. Some have detached and learnt to suppress emotions. Some seek vengeance and become insurgents, part of a resistance and vengeance seekers.   They eventually reconcile with the suffering that has touched not one but both sides cruelly. They find in their hearts and souls the power and ability to forgive and reconstruct what has been destroyed.🥳 I absolutely loved all the characters  - but the undoubted hero for me is M

The Vampire Diaries Awakening + Struggle by L.J.Smith

 The Vampire Diaries  The Awakening + The Struggle (390 pages Paperback) By L.J.Smith  Rating : 4/5 😄😄😄😄 Genre : Vampires, Young Adult, Fantasy, Fiction, High school Drama. Stefan Salvatore is the new student at the high school in Fells Church - a fictitious town founded centuries ago. He is shrouded in mystery for everyone who wants to know him. He looks brooding, introverted and lets no one into his private world. Elena is the most popular girl in the school and she gets what she wants - usually. Until she comes across Stefan. She realizes that he is as drawn towards her as she is but is keeping his distance. She wants to find out his secret and also the reason why bad things started happening in her town since his arrival. Is he the cause behind them or is there someone else? 😉🤔 Two vampires - Stefan and Damon Salvatore - united by their brotherly bond vie for the hand of a woman in the past. That woman was the reason they have turned vampires. Now they rekindle their battle f

The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest by Steig Larsson

 The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest  By Steig Larsson (Millennium series #3) Rating 5/5  Genre: Fiction, Thriller, Action, Hacking A fitting end to the millennium series that started with the book The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. All the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. The situations and the characterization of Lisbeth Salander are more closer to reality than the second book which was filled with many fantastic feats and overblown expeditions by Salander.  Very gripping and immersive. Thought there are many characters to remember apart from the usual protagonists Salander, Blomkvist and Berger - but they were well fit into the thrilling and fast paced plot. Loved reading this book! Highly recommend it to all thriller lovers out there!! Steig Larsson - may his soul rest in peace- is a mastermind and brilliant story teller .. he proved it once again with this book! 

The Last Temptation of Christ by Nikos Kazantzakis

 The Last Temptation of Christ  By Nikos Kazantzakis  Rating 5/5 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 Genre : Bibilical, Jesus Christ, Historical Fiction, Fantastic  Stunning and Spectacular! Stupendous! Marvelous!! No words to describe the ecstasy I feel reading this beautiful and miraculous story from the life of Jesus Christ. Grasped the essence of the greatest biblical tale ever! 🤓🥳 Nikos has accomplished something exceptional. He has espoused the role of Jesus Christ and got under his skin,into his soul and bared it for the reader to see/experience a visceral battle within him as he fights to find a way back to Godhead. He showcased how both vulnerable and strong the savior is at the same time !! 🤗 I have always wanted to read a book on Jesus' life - which is not Bible. This one it is! 😍 It is ultimate! Jesus has had many temptations all through his life and he has suppressed or overcome them .. until the last snare the devil lays to bait him while on the cross .. a life filled with simple joys a

Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende

Daughter of Fortune  By Isabel Allende  Rating 5/5 💘  Genre : Magical Realism, Historical fiction, Women's Fiction. Absolutely loved this experience of reading a fantastically and immersively written book. Took me on a ride of love, mystery, suffering, hope and finally all's well that ends well. Gave a fitting end to a fitting story!! A very impressionable and adventurous young girl travels from Chile to California hidden  in the boiler room of a ship during the time of California Gold Rush. She goes in the hope of finding her lover who is also the father to her unborn child ,a result of their secretive and passionate romance in Chile. She meets a Chinese physician on board who takes care of her and deals with her illness during the journey. The rest of the narrative felt more like reading history .. describing the times of madness for gold and the disillusionment later .. the rampant disease, violence, human trafficking and forced prostitution.. sometimes felt moved by immens

The Palace of Illusions by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

 The Palace of Illusions  By Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni  Rating : 4/5  Genre : Mythology,  Retelling, Historical,  KRISHNA, Mahabharat.  What I liked in the book?  Chitra has really got herself under the skin of Draupadi,the princess of Kampilya, who would later become the cause of changing history, and also saw into the souls and intentions of other key players of Mahabharat with crystal clarity. Her play with words and concoctions have stirred me many a time when I was rushing to complete the pages.  She gave a holistic perspective and definition to Mahabharat that I have not come across before - she started with Draupadi's childhood, her past times with her brother and Krishna while growing up, her marriage to the pandavas, her insult at the hands of kauravas,their journey to winning back the kingdom and eventual renunciation of everything to reach back to heaven.  What I haven't liked in the book?   While I accept that the author has a deeper and profound understanding of t

The Bat by Jo Nesbo book review

The Bat By Jo Nesbo (Norwegian Author) Rating : 4/5 This story introduced and entertained me with the culture,habits, myths and tales of Australians for which I deeply value this book. Unraveling of the plot has a 3D effect. It is impossible not to get lost in this world of drugs and people, majority of who border between publicized homosexuality and remaining closet heterosexuals. There are stories and ancient myths within the story.. which are very captivating. I felt Jo could have spent a bit more time in developing and giving depth to the main character Harry Hole. This is the first book from the author and I feel the following books would have more to offer in terms of better and improved characterization. :) A Norwegian girl is murdered in Australia while working there. Harry Hole is a police investigator that is sent to help with finding the culprit. Waving between deciding it as the work of a serial killer or a random killer and narrowing down on a drug dealer who seems to