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A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Mass Book Review

A Court of Thorns and Roses

By Sarah J Mass ( 2015)

Series : A Court of Thorns and Roses#1

Published : 2015

Genre : Fantasy, Magic, Fiction, Faeries, Mortality.

Rating : 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

What a brilliant book! What a captivating read! Sarah J Maas has propelled herself into the cohort of my favorite authors with this shining jewel. Never have I been so shocked out of my wits or had my breath completely knocked out. I just couldn’t get through to the next page without gasping and my heart pounding.

Humans. Magical Faeries. Evil witches. Spellbinding potions. Ancient curses. Eternal love. Irresistible attraction and seduction. Life altering games. What is there not to like ? What is there not to swoon over? There is not a ounce of boredom in this triangle love story and battle for freedom. This is fantasy at its best!

A war almost 500 years ago between faeries and humans .. their lands segregated to east and west. Fearies are split into seven kingdoms each ruled by a high lord. A hundred years ago, they are brought through magic and trickery,under the control of a Queen. One high lord refuses her advances and to submit. He is put under a curse from which he can be rescued only by a brave human. Enter Feyre, the brave warrior human girl whom the high lord has been searching for a half century. He steals her away from her family and they both fall deeply, irrevocably in love. Then comes the moment of disclosure of his story to Feyre. The rest of the story is filled with enthralling and engrossing games to rescue his life, kingdom and the rest of the fearie race from the queen. Throw into the mix a dark, seductive, handsome high lord of darkness who helps Feyre for his own personal interests. There is danger and there is love. There is bravery and there is madness. There is magic and there are dionystic type rituals(Greek Mythology) ,Lord Krishna type romantic Raasa Leela dances(Hindu Mythology) which take one’s breath away! Highly Recommend. Never been so thrilled to reach an end. My fingers are tingling to reach for the sequel in my satchel and its nearing midnight! Know my state of mind thus! 🙂 Happy reading, fellow readers !!

Feel free to browse and look at another one of the reviews on this book here ! 

ACOTAR review by insamyniac


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