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A Pair of Blue Eyes by Thomas Hardy Book Review

A Pair of Blue Eyes 

By Thomas Hardy 

Published Year : 1878 

Page Count : 435 pages 

Medium Used : Paperback 

Genre : Classics, Drama, Romance, Fiction, Timeless, 2024-read. 

Rating : 5/5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Thomas Hardy has been one of my all time favorite authors. Though this book is not as famous as some of his others, it didn't disappoint. With a thumping heart, I neared the conclusion to this tale. So much - well being of hearts and souls of multiple characters - is at stake. The last pages, I had to fight my impulse to jump to the last page and see the end. This was the third book by Hardy and was written in the late 19th century. But I think a lot of its nuances apply even to the current day. He  teaches an important lesson to young people who idealize love and their partner without knowing this thing in advance : that we don't know whom fate puts in our path before we meet them. If we knew that our Mr.Perfect or Miss Perfect is going to show up in our lives at this time and this place, we would all be waiting for that point in time,space without ever getting involved with anyone else. But alas, that is never the case, is it?! 

In the story, all the three main characters have erred. Stephen in assuming/believing foolishly that Elfride still had feelings for him despite all her actions to the contrary. Henry in his need for an idealized and unrealistic love object which Elfride couldn't match despite her genuine feelings for him. Elfride in being too fickle, changeable and irresolute in her thoughts, actions and demeanor towards both Stephen and Henry! Who could rely on such an chameleon like female lover? 

Coming to the story! 

Elfride Swancourt is a young woman of 20 years who has had two successive lovers where they wanted to end it in marriage. She accepted the men and later rejected them because they couldn't hold her admiration for long. She is too fickle and restless a spirit to be stuck with someone whom she decisively knows is her beneath her station and carriage. And her father also has pretentions of nobility and advises her to seek a better match each time. Into this landscape enters Henry Knight and he sweeps her off her feet. He is superior to her in every way and also just by his inclination and nature, she becomes obsessed and obsequious too. She takes pleasure in merely becoming 'his'. But this man has a problem with idealizing Elfride. He assumes her to not having had any former alliance with a man before he sauntered into her life. As he learns more and more about her past dalliances, he becomes confounded and deeply troubled. He bids adieu to her despite all the oaths she readily takes to keep him. Finally, what happens to her? Does he take her back and forgive her sins of youth? 

 There is a shocking surprise on which the story ends that one just doesn't foresee! It rocked me and my imagination so very thoroughly! It left me speechless!  Do read the book despite the hurdle of a somewhat quaint style of writing but it is distinctly Hardy's all the way - very enjoyable!! The neighborhood of Sussex and Elfride's home is very picturesque in description. It took me to a different setting. One where I would probably choose to go for some rest and peace of mind! 


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