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Book Review : Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters

Tipping the Velvet 

By Sarah Waters 

Published Year : 1998

Page Count : 472 pages 

Medium Used : Paperback 

Genre : Historical Fiction, Romance, Lesbian Love, Coming-of-age, Britain, 2024-read. 

Rating : 4/5 😋😋😋😋

I feel like I am putting my feet on two boats with this one. On the one hand, I don't usually read this genre (which isn't SFF or mystery). It felt like I was wasting my time which I could be utilizing on reading much better and impactful fiction. I felt my fingers twitching and my brain driving me to hate the chapters where nothing much is happening. I wanted to skip several pages and call the act of "reading" this done! But then, the other side of my argument appears and tells me how good the writing is! How strong, powerful and poignant the main character of Nancy Astley is! The prose is so good .. I was astonished and quite incredulous to learn that this is a debut book. It definitely felt like the work of an experienced hand. The command - the author has - over the actions and emotions of different characters is spellbinding. 

Though the title speaks of some sexual acts that are racy and ribald, the story and narrative remain deeply, deeply "clean" and only a little "greasy" with sexual content. 

This book is a celebration and an achievement for the author, who at the time of writing it, must have faced much criticism and scrutiny. The world is much changed now and there are many books on gay/homosexual love lives, encounters and behaviors. But at that time, it must have been an act of bravery and breaking convention.

Coming to the story, Nancy Astley is an oyster girl born and brought up until 18 years of age in a coastal town,Whitstable. Once, when she visits the Music hall with her family and friends, her eye rests upon and lingers on a male impersonating, handsome,young girl Kitty Butler. This starts an obsession for her and she somehow makes it to the music hall every day without missing any of her performances. They become quick friends and when Kitty gets an offer to move for a better opportunity in London, she asks Kitty to accompany her as a dressing aide. When they move to London, they share a room and a bed. Over time, they can't quell and hide their intense attraction for each other. They become lovers and when they pair up on stage to spice up the performances, their secret almost comes out. Kitty is despondent and above all wants to keep their affair a secret. This creates a bridge between them and Nancy walks out. Over the next 7-8 years, we see her stumbling along with where ever life takes her. She does some despicable things and chooses a life that is hedonistic for sexual favors. ( To imagine a heroine of the story go through such a lowly life is a surprise!). But she is quite fortuitous, in the sense that when ever she is in need of a helping hand, (the streets the author creates of the 1890s are very unsafe for a single girl to make a living) some one of her former, passing acquaintances pitch in. She eventually finds true love and all that. But her journey is a revealing and scary one to tread. 

At times I didn't understand why she chose the life she did. With a welcoming and caring family waiting back home, I would have run back to them and found much peace in the comforts of it. She definitely chose - time after time - a path that is difficult and filled with uncertainty. Still, much could have gone wrong and didn't. It must be the will of God - and the imagination of her author - that didn't damage the heart/soul of Nancy. I also like the way the end happens..on a note of hope, purpose and love. 



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