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Book Review : New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

 New Moon 

(The Twilight Saga #2)

By Stephenie Meyer 

Published Year : 2006

Page Count : 500 pages 

Medium Used : Paperback 

Genre : Romance, Young Adult, Vampires, Werewolves, Coming of Age, Fiction, 2024-read. 

Rating : 4/5 

Disclaimer : Few Spoilers in the review!!

This is the second time I am reading this book. I haven't watched the movies even though they are very, very popular. I guess I saw some scenes and can say with high confidence that the makers made a lot of justice to the book description. At times I felt like I could feel Bella's pain and at times it felt utterly silly and superfluous. But overall I am excited to pick the next book in the series. Yes. The problems that are awaiting to be tackled by the conglomerate of vampire lovers and werewolf lovers of Bella are serious. Like all the characters which are not trying to kill Bella, we too fall in love with her character and want to protect her. It doesn't feel like we are making a huge fuss for nothing .. like we are not building giant mountains out of mole hills. 

This book picks up from where the book 1 left off. Bella was attacked by a vampire clan and her vampire lover cum obsession, Edward Cullen with his family of vampires, takes care of the villain. This book starts with her dreaming of becoming an old woman next to whom Edward looks forever young. It is her birthday and she has turned 18 as against Edward's eternal 17. She is bristling with discomfort and doesn't want to celebrate the day. But the Cullen family have other plans. During the gift opening ceremony, Bella gets injured and almost gets attacked by Jasper who is relatively new to the bloodlust control game. Edward takes responsibility for this and decides to leave Bella to her happy, safe and secure future with her human friends and family. The Cullens go away from the town of Forks leaving Bella numb, empty and in a zombie state. Before leaving, Edward extracts an oath from her that she wouldn't do anything reckless or take her own life. But to cope with her insipid existence, she starts getting into life threatening stunts. She befriends Jacob who is a newly turned werewolf. He helps her and without knowing, aides and abets her in her foolhardy adventures. She eventually gets back to Edward after a lot of drama and many promises made, unmade. 

Towards the end, she is still hanging in her loyalty to Edward and wanting to turn into a vampire herself. She is still yearning for the warmth of Jacob's friendship while he wants more. She is being hunted by the Volturi that want to see her converted to a vampire. She is being hunted by Victoria, a bloodthirsty vampire out to get her for her mate's murder. So.. lots of things .. yet to be covered in the book 3, Eclipse. 

I felt at times Edward and Bella were talking in contradictions. Bella wants to do right by her father and mother but doesn't give a second's thought when it comes to her desire to become a vampire. She just wants to turn. Edward is willing to let Bella go if she wants or desires someone else. But he vows to not live should she die. What is this masochistic love he is depicting? 

Very fun to read. Got me invested in the fates of Bella and all the others. I loved how good the community and how strong the support system for Bella in the book felt! She is one lucky girl who is much loved and cared for! 


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