The Body Scout
By Lincoln Michael
Published Year: 2021
Page Count: 291 pages
Medium Used : Kindle PW
Genre : Science Fiction, Cybernetics, Transgenic Creatures, Baseball, Dystopian Future, 2024-read.
Rating : 4.5/5 😀😀😀😀😇
I enjoyed reading this very much. I read it word for word and it felt extremely satisfying. I spent a week reading this under 300 pages book but it is good. The world building is awesome. Transported me into a world where near immortality through technology is achieved. Damaged and diseased organs, body parts are replaced with Cybernetics and laboratory constructed parts. Neanderthals are restored to life though their survival rate in a sapien's womb is very low. Transgenic creatures populate the world along with humans. Mind and pain killing, numbing drugs are available for peanuts in the market. It's a probable future universe where human clone and Astral system research is given heavy weightage, high priority, big money.
Biopharma companies like Monsanto Mets, Pyramid invest heavily on developing and researching for upgrades,steroid serums, growth hormones, creating transgenic creatures like freagle which is a trans breed between frog and eagle and can be used as a pet. These biopharms also own popular baseball teams and the players get all sorts of incentives. They are given heavy doses of upgrades to keep them in shape. They have clubs where they can have out of body, infiltrate another body experiences for pleasure.
JJ Zunz is a star yankee baseball player owned by the Monsanto Mets. While playing a baseball game against Pyramid Sphinxes, he vomits blood and dies. His best friend and scientist scout for the Mets, Kobo is brought in to investigate the death. As he does his research, he uncovers that JJ has a club membership where he wears a suit and enjoys pleasure inhabiting a different person's body. That he has a daughter with an old lover. The girl's uncle is murdered and there is someone chasing after her too. Kobo assumes the role of her protector and tries to hide her. As the story unravels, the twist rattled me a bit. Did the Mets kill their own player through excessive drug and upgrade serum overdose? How could there be more than one Zunz? Interesting read!
Enjoyed this one. 🍻 🥂 cheers!
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