Tales of Troy and Greece
By Andrew Lang
Published Year: 1995
Page Count: 256 pages
Medium Used: Paperback
Genre : Historical Fiction, Ancient Greece, Mythology, Pagan Gods, 2025-read.
Rating : 5/5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
All the tales are wonderfully recounted. In so vivid descriptions and medium paced narration. I never tire of reading about the stories of Ancient Greece or Ancient Egypt or those of great Mythological significance. These are all stories where bad is killed and won over by brave, courage and good. These are all stories of great adventure and inspire hope in the hearts of readers. Though not all what the gods do (the ancient pagan gods of Greece land) is just and right, at the end ,always good wins.
In this book, we read through the journey of Ulysses from his birth to the time he returns home to his wife and her numerous wooers thereby getting rid of them. I felt that the author didn't go too deep into the details and also didn't skip important ones..he has included all that is needed to make sense of the current story as well as the ones that are yet to come. I got lot of clarity on the ten years of war, ten more years of Ulysses' journey and diversions as he tries to go back home. How the idea of Trojan horse is conceived. How Ulysses escapes the clutches of Cyclopes, how he spends a year with sorceress Circe, how he escapes the traps of Sirens, the Scylla and Charbydis, the phaecians and their hospitality, help to reach Ithaca. Its a wonderfully engrossing read!!
There are stories of Jason and Medea. How she helps him with the search and procurement of a golden fleece so that he can take his rightful kingdom back from his usurper uncle.
There are stories of Theseus, prince of Athens and his journey to Crete to king Minos. We read about how he slayed several monsters on his way to his father's kingdom. And how he sets out to travel to Crete and how his future wife and great love Ariadne helps him navigate his way through the labyrinthe and slaughter the bull monster, Minotaur.
And finally, we read the adventures of Perseus who slays the head off of the gorgon, Medusa. His rescuing of a beautiful princess Andromeda and killing her mother's oppressor. How he comes back into the power of his father's kingdom after all these trials and adventures.
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