Trumps of Doom
[The Chronicles of Amber #6]
By Roger Zelazny
Published Year: 1985
Page Count: 180 pages
Medium Used: Kindle PW
Genre : High Fantasy, Multiverse, Shadows,Chaos, Epic, Action, Adventure, 2025-read.
Rating: 5/5 π₯³π₯³π₯³π₯³π₯³
I switched to reading from my kindle because the paperback omnibus only had books 1-5 in it. The narrator in this book is Merlin Corey, son of Corwin of Amber and Dara of Chaos. He is uniquely positioned to be the next ruler of Amber. He has walked both the Pattern of Amber and Logrus of Chaos. At the start of the book, we see him pursuing profession as an engineer in a shadow world. Every year, on April 30, someone makes a murder attempt against him and he has narrowly escaped multiple such attempts so far. This day is April 30 and he makes a decision to quit his job and go traveling. He wants to bid adieu to his ex girlfriend Julia and visits her house. He witnesses he death/murder by a dog that is from some place out of the universe. With that incident, his life enters the phase of no peace, no rest, relentless chaos. He recovers a set of Trump cards at her house and saves them in his pocket for future reference.
He does some digging with her ex lover and friend that she has feared Merlin, considering him to be a supernatural being, and entered occult studies to protect herself from his influence. The person, Melman, who is her teacher in occult knows of Merlin and is waiting for him to come to him. Merlin somehow escapes the madness Melman wants to unveil and makes his way to Amber. On the way, he collects some bullets that don't work in the shadow world but do in Amber. Some one is coming after Amber and through targeting Merlin, Caine and Bleys.
I dont think this is the fight for only Merlin to fight. But who is the power that is coming after them and what cause do they have to stop Merlin? And from doing what? These remain unanswered yet. I have to read the next book to gain more answers. Cool read! Give it a try. Zelazny is an awesome first person narrator. Just hooked me from the start.
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